Finding a recipe on Alexa

A person cutting a piece of food

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Alexa can be many things when it comes to being useful, but the assistant really shines when it comes to helping in the kitchen!Alexa has access to 60,000 recipes, so all you have to do is ask to get started.

Finding a recipe is simple, just ask Alexa to find you a certain recipe. For example, you may ask "Alexa, find me a recipe for lasagne". You may even wish to narrow down your results by asking for some specifics such as "Alexa, find me a vegan recipe for lasagne".

Associated cooking Skills

A person and child making a cake

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Being able to cook with Alexa as your instructor is pretty useful, but there's also some Alexa cooking related Skills that can make your experience even better!

Recipe Speak allows you to add your own recipes to Alexa
Can you freeze will advise you on whether it's safe to freeze certain foods
Ingredient Sub tells you the best substitute ingredient for an item in a recipe
Wine Pairing gives you suggestions for the best wine to pair with your dish

 Alexa cooking tips

A person putting food in a tray

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Alexa can also be helpful for setting timers or reminders. To do this, you can just ask Alexa to set a timer for a specific number of minutes or set a reminder for a certain time. When a timer finishes, Alexa will continuously sound an alarm until you ask it to stop. However, it's good to note that if you decide to set a reminder instead of a timer, Alexa will typically only repeat this aloud twice before ending the reminder, so there's more of a chance that you could miss it.Where cooking times are concerned, we always recommend setting a timer through Alexa. Reminders may be more useful for restocking fridge items, or dinner plans.

Alexa video content

A tablet on a table

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If your Alexa has a screen, you can also ask Alexa to search the YouTube app for cooking videos! Perfect for those that want a visual tutorial to follow. Just be careful to keep your Alexa clean while you cook! If Alexa does encounter any splashes, it's recommended by Amazon to clean away any debris with a soft cloth that is damp with water. Be sure to never use abrasive cleaning materials or chemicals on your device, as this may cause damage. It's also advised that you should keep your Alexa away from any heat sources.