Virtual Reality, or VR, has revolutionised the way we experience digital content, offering immersive worlds and interactive adventures. However, for some individuals, motion sickness can be a significant hurdle to fully enjoying the wonders of VR. If you're keen on diving into the VR realm but find yourself susceptible to motion sickness, here are some practical ways to counteract it:

Outside the game

Before you put the headset on, it may be worth taking some steps to reduce motion sickness. First, make sure you’re hydrated before you start playing VR, as dehydration can exacerbate feelings of nausea. Next, make sure you take regular breaks during VR sessions, as this can also help prevent motion sickness. Take off the headset, rest your eyes, and reorient yourself in the real world. 

If you start feeling queasy, practice controlled breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath briefly, and exhale through your mouth. This can help regulate your body's response to motion.

Inside the game

Next, let’s look at some things we can do to assist in reducing nausea and motion sickness whilst actually playing. First, when moving in VR, try to focus on a fixed point or reference in the virtual environment. This helps provide a stable visual anchor and can mitigate the disorienting effects of motion. Also, try to start playing VR with experiences that involve minimal movement, and then gradually expose yourself to more dynamic content as your tolerance increases. This allows your body to acclimate to the virtual environment.

Most VR systems also allow users to customise settings such as field of view, graphics quality, and movement options. Experiment with these settings to find configurations that are more comfortable for you. Lowering graphics settings can sometimes contribute to a smoother experience.

Play the right games

If deploying some of these strategies isn’t enough to offset your motion sickness, you may want to try changing the sorts of VR games you play. You could opt for VR content that employs smooth and steady movements rather than abrupt or jerky motions, or games with teleportation mechanics or limited camera movement.

Sitting down while experiencing VR can also provide a more stable and less disorienting environment. Many VR games and applications offer seated modes, allowing you to enjoy the content without the need for extensive movement.

VR games are a new frontier of digital content, and these strategies can help you manage motion sickness for a better, more complete VR experience.